Become the authority for change within your organization. Develop the knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of any organizational change with confidence. Take your change leadership capability to the next level with this three day immersive program.
As the leader of change, you play an important role in the success or failure of the change initiative in your organization.
This comprehensive change leadership program gives you the information and tools needed to navigate change successfully.
QNET’s Certificate in Change Management (CCM), “The Change Leader’s Certificate Course,” is a 21 hour immersive and interactive course that will take your change leadership capability to the next level.
The course is designed for leaders and managers who want the knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to support their employees and enable healthy and sustainable change in their organization.
In this course, you will discover what happens when leaders label normal human reactions to change as resistance, and how you can prevent resistance to change with a Readiness Mindset.
As a leader, you want to support your team or department as they move through change, but it can be challenging to know what to do. You may wonder “how do I guide my team when I am unsure what to do myself?”
During this course you will:
- Learn how to adopt and use the Readiness MindsetTM to facilitate organizational change without change fatigue and burnout.
- Learn how to create a healthy environment for change – one that encourages your team to tackle change with confidence and sets you up for success.
- Know what’s needed to build readiness, support your employees, and keep your change initiatives from languishing on the side of your desk.
You will discover:
- How to use change management to increase performance and growth
- How to lead change when you will be affected by the outcome
- How to create healthy organizational change
Course Components:
Raising Readiness to Prevent Resistance
Here’s where we’ll introduce you to the power of the Readiness Mindset and system to prevent change fatigue and burnout. You’ll explore the different approaches to organizational change and work with the one approach leading to the highest adoption rate. We’ll discuss three reasons that organizational change fails and how to get your team ready for current or upcoming changes. You’ll also find out how to prevent resistance to change.
Working with the Methodology
During this part of the course, you will apply and work with the DEAM© change management methodology. You’ll gain more insight into how the human brain responds to change to know what actions will help and what steps not to take. We’ll show you how to help people feel capable and supported, so they will move toward change rather than run from it. We’ll spend time discovering what a Change Story is and how to write your Change Story. You’ll also get some great tools on the importance of communication.
Post Course Integration
Everything is easier in the classroom. Once you leave the classroom putting your learning into practice can cause new questions to come up. That’s why we reconnect with you after the course wraps up to explore your challenges, successes and new insights to enable change. This will allow you to ask questions related to your learning and connect it to your every day work.
Participant Benefits and Take Away
- How to use and apply the Readiness MindsetTM to prevent resistance to change
- How to support your employees to embrace change instead of looking for an exit strategy
- How to create a transition plan that enables buy-in and commitment
- How to reduce change fatigue and burnout through healthy and sustainable change management approaches
- How to communicate any change to increase readiness and prevent resistance
- New tools, techniques and strategies for leading and managing change
Participant Workbook
The course includes an extensive participant manual with over 100 pages of information, tools and templates that you can take back to your organization for reference following the course.
Who Should Attend?
- You’re a manager leading your team through a major change initiative and not sure what to do.
- You’re a project manager and want to improve your project’s success.
- You’re an IT professional who wants to make IT implementations easier and get a higher return on your investment.
- You’re interested in Change Management and looking to get CCMP certified
This course also includes the following two virtual (on zoom) components:
- 1.5 hour Pre-Course Orientation a few days prior to the course start
- 1.5 hour Post Course Integration about a month after the course
Dawn-Marie Turner, Ph.D. is President of Turner Change Management, is an international researcher, speaker, trainer, writer, and certified management consultant (CMC). She has twenty years of experience in change programming, transition planning and change management coaching. With a doctorate in applied management and decision science from Walden University in Minnesota, Dawn-Marie has developed her own proprietary change transition methodology – DEAM©. She has been a speaker at national and international conferences and her work has been published in the International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences and the International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management. Dr. Turner works to help her clients use change to increase their competitive advantage.
Event Partners
Members of the following organizations receive the partner rate for this event.
- ACMP MB (Association of Change Management Professionals, Manitoba)
- Manitoba Aerospace
- CPHR Manitoba
Funding provided by The Manitoba government
Course Credits
- An optional course (21 hours) in the 70 credit hour QNET Certificate in Management Development (CMD)
- An ACMP Qualified Education Program (QEP) course; it qualifies for 21 instructional hours related to your Certified Change Management Professional (CCMP) designation
- This program has been approved for 24 CPHR Continued Professional Development Hours by CPHR Manitoba
- Eligible for credit in the CAM:OE (Certificate in Applied Management: Organizational Effectiveness) in partnership with the University of Manitoba, Continuing Education
Change Management
* indicates required fields
Included Courses
Certificate in Change Management (CCM) (Virtual)
Dr. Dawn-Marie Turner did a great job facilitating the sessions and was informative, practical and shared examples and provided lots of opportunity for discussion.
Really great templates and straightforward framework that will be easy to apply
It gave me the tools and confidence to be able to participate and facilitate change in my organization.
We are at the start of a new change initiative and the insights, tools and knowledge will enable us to plan and execute a thorough approach and plan.
This works well with other frameworks related to diversity, adult learning, project management and communication.