Building Resilient Teams

NOTE: This course is also offered virtually, details here: Building Resilient Teams (Virtual)

Good teams have many characteristics such as trust, respect, clarity, flexibility, tradition, innovation and a sense of fun. Resilient teams not only have these characteristics, but also have the ability to both navigate and bounce back from difficult moments.

This session will introduce participants to the attitudes, skills and processes needed to equip leaders and teams with the ability to effectively navigate challenging situations and quickly recover from conflict in ways that build team resilience.

Participants will learn:

  • Navigation: a guide for team renewal.
  • Five traits of resilient vs. dysfunctional teams. 
  • Dynamics of trust.
  • A process for appreciating individual and group strengths.
  • Patterns of conflict.
  • How to prevent and clear up misunderstandings.
  • How to manage differences and resolve conflict.
  • A process to create team expectations and commitments together, with a recovery plan on how to address (prevent, manage and resolve) challenges and conflict.


David Falk
Partner, Facilitated Solutions

David Falk is a Partner in the firm Facilitated Solutions. He is a seasoned consultant and conflict management specialist who has been assisting organizations prevent, manage and resolve conflict since 1990. David is an engaging trainer/facilitator who brings together practical wisdom, humour and real world examples that will inspire you to consider new options and develop your leadership skills to address the challenges you face. David holds both a Bachelor and Masters Degree in Conflict Resolution.


  • QNET Members: $429.00 + GST  QNET member list
  • Event Partners (see list below): $429.00 + GST
  • Non-Members: $499.00 + GST  Join QNET

Please review event Terms & Conditions

Cancellations (by the attendee) must be received in writing no later than 8 days prior to the course start. 


Members of the following organizations receive the partner rate for this event.

  • CPHR Manitoba

Funding provided by The Manitoba government.

Course Credits

  • A core course (7 credit hours) in the 70 credit hour QNET Certificate in Management Development (CMD)
  • This program has been approved for 8 CPHR Continued Professional Development Hours by CPHR Manitoba.
  • Eligible for credit in the CAM:OE (Certificate in Applied Management: Organizational Effectiveness) in partnership with the University of Manitoba, Continuing Education



Building Resilient Teams

* indicates required fields

Apr 10, 2025 at 8:15 am - 4:15 pm REGISTER HERE
1 day course
Suite 660,
175 Hargrave Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 3R8
Member: $429.00 (+GST)
Event Partner: $429.00 (+GST) see list below
Non-Member: $499.00 (+GST)

Some very good information – new ways of looking at things! David was an engaging and very knowledgeable presenter as well.

Very knowledgeable, and used a variety of relatable, real-life examples from personal life, work life and various employment sectors. David really made the day go by quickly, as he was very engaging – also flexible to focus on needs of group.

Really relevant and engaging info – appreciated the opportunity to learn from David’s expertise and engage with fellow participants. Thank you, David!

I have attended other workshops facilitated by David and in each one I learn more about leadership and conflict management in a practical setting.

Great stories that people can relate to. Facilitator resonates well with the audience.  Best Facilitator I’ve had at QNET.

Event Partners