Managing High Conflict Moments and Bullying in the Workplace
Have you ever encountered a workplace situation where a staff member exhibits any or all of the following “high conflict” behaviours:
- treats you (or others) with bullying behaviours
- is preoccupied with blaming others (intense, highly personal, must get their way)
- clings to all or nothing patterns of thought (one fixed solution)
- displays unmanaged emotions (quickly becomes highly charged, surprises others with level of intensity, or sometimes may present as calm yet manipulative)
- exhibits other extreme behaviours (e.g. lies, rumours, refusing contact, tracking/recording someone else’s actions, engaging in physical intimidation)
These situations are uniquely challenging and, as such, more typical communication and leadership responses and strategies are often ineffective and sometimes even make the situation worse.
At this workshop, you will learn practical tools for constructively preventing, managing and resolving “high conflict” behaviours in the workplace.
This session blends presentations with small group case studies (including your own scenarios) where you will have the opportunity to explore new skills and insights for managing extreme “high conflict” moments and critically reflect on how to apply them to the most challenging situations you are facing as leaders and professionals.
David Dyck is a seasoned practitioner who has been employed as a mediator, trainer, facilitator, academic instructor and workplace consultant since 1991. He is an energetic and dynamic trainer who draws on humour, storytelling and practical insight to spark your imagination and equip you with the practical tools you need to respond effectively to the real-world dilemmas you face. Dave holds Bachelor and Masters Degrees in Conflict Resolution and has published in the field. He has been a senior trainer and conflict management specialist at Facilitated Solutions since 2003.
- QNET Members: $419.00 + GST | QNET member list
- Event Partners (see list below): $419.00 + GST
- Non-Members: $489.00 + GST | Join QNET
Please review event Terms & Conditions
Cancellations (by the attendee) must be received in writing no later than 8 days prior to the course start.
Members of the following organizations receive the partner rate for this event.
- CPHR Manitoba
Funding provided by The Manitoba government.
Course Credits
- An optional course (7 credit hours) in the 70 credit hour QNET Certificate in Management Development (CMD).
- Eligible for credit in the CAM:OE (Certificate in Applied Management: Organizational Effectiveness) in partnership with the University of Manitoba, Continuing Education
- This program has been approved for 8 CPHR Continued Professional Development Hours by CPHR Manitoba.
* indicates required fields
Suite 660,
175 Hargrave Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba,
Canada R3C 3R8