Mental Health First Aid Workshop

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the support provided to a person who may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis.

If I sprain my ankle, chances are you’ll know what to do. If I have a panic attack, chances are you won’t.

The Mental Health Commission of Canada reports that one in every five Canadians experiences a mental health problem within a given year. While we often know a lot about physical illness, there tends to be less knowledge about mental health or substance use problems.
This lack of understanding leads to fear and negative attitudes towards individuals living with these problems. It prevents people from seeking help for themselves and from providing appropriate support to people around them.

In a recent major Canadian study, 82% of responding organizations ranked mental health conditions in their top three causes of short term disability (72% for long-term). 30% of all short and long term disability claims are due to mental health problems and illnesses.

MHFA course participants will learn how to:

  • Recognize signs that a person may be experience a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis
  • Have conversations that encourage a person to:
    • Talk about declines in their mental well-being
    • Discuss professional and other supports that could help with recovery to improved mental well-being
    • reach out to these supports
  • Assist in a mental health or substance use crisis
  • Use MHFA actions to maintain one’s own mental well-being


Leah Hes, O.T Reg. (MB)
Manager, Rehabilitation Services, HEB Manitoba

As an Occupational Therapist working primarily in long term disability case management, Leah has the privilege of providing supportive, strength based rehab services to individuals returning to work following illness or injury. It is through working with so many amazing, resilient clients that her passion for mental health immerged, particularly with respect to mental health issues in the workplace. Mental Health First Aid has provided Leah with the opportunity to not only open up the conversation around mental health in her own workplace but also provide concrete, helpful strategies to those she has trained.


  • QNET Members: $349.00 + GST  QNET member list
  • Event Partners (see list below): $349.00 + GST
  • Non-Members: $399.00 + GST  Join QNET

Please review event Terms & Conditions

Cancellations (by the attendee) must be received in writing no later than 14 days prior to the course start. 


Members of the following organizations receive the partner rate for this event.

  • ASCM Winnipeg Chapter
  • CPHR Manitoba

Funding provided by The Manitoba government.

Course Credits

  • An optional course in the 70 credit hour QNET Certificate in Management Development
  • Eligible for credit in the CAM:OE (Certificate in Applied Management: Organizational
    Effectiveness) in partnership with the University of Manitoba, Continuing Education
  • This program has been approved for 16 CPHR Continued Professional Development Hours by CPHR Manitoba.
Mental Health First Aid Workshop

* indicates required fields

Course not currently scheduled
2 full days
Suite 660,
175 Hargrave Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba,
R3C 3R8
Member: $349.00 (+GST)
Event Partner: $349.00 (+GST) see list below
Non-Member: $399.00 (+GST)

I think this course was great, and it is important to teach people how to utilize the training learned here.

This was the best session I have taken so far with QNET!

I think this was very well done, and I have already recommended the course to multiple colleagues.

It was a great experiencing of sharing our ideas as a group. The resources that were given as well were really important.

Event Partners